
We are building Crater Company, an action-adventure game that is aboutunraveling mysterious discoveries in an alien and yet increasingly familiar seeming world.

About the game

Crater Company features an interplay between two starkly contrasting and alternating game scenarios:

  • Expeditions: Fast-paced high risk & high reward action combat alongside uncovering new areas.
  • Home base: Calmly managing your progression and interacting with characters that joined your cause.

There is a certain location where you can rest out of danger. It starts out rather desolate,however as you progress, it becomes an increasinly lively place as morebenevolent characters decide to join you and live there.These characters are quite unique in both appearance and individuality,and each of them helps you in their own way.

During expeditions, you attempt to venture further into the wilderness as ever beforein search of loot and new discoveries. However, this is a very dangerous endavour,and progress is only secured when you make it back in one piece -so it's up to you how to balance risk and reward.

The game does feature a narrative driven progression and a handcrafted game world.Originally we toyed around with procedural generation, but ultimately found thatintentionally composed environments and secrets are best for what we want to convey.

There's a variety of distinctly diverse biomes in which the ruins of an ancient highcivilization are scattered, waiting for you to uncover their horrific past.

The game features day & night cycles.During the night, your vision will be drastically reduced (unless you can do something about it),and different happenings may occur in the game world.For instance, different kinds of enemies can appear.These may be more dangerous than those that are active during the day, but the opportunities for loot may also be greater.

Our philosophy

We want you to be part of the journey

First and foremost, Crater Company is a work of passion and we will not alter the game’scourse with any notion that does not deeply resonate with us. However, we most definitelyembrace community engagement and are very open to your feedback. We are providing severalavenues of getting in touch with us and other players.

Respecting the player’s time

This is an issue very important to us. Way too many games nowadays are designed in a wayto either keep you “busy” for a certain number of hours by adding tons of meaningless fillercontent (e.g. repetitive fetch quests), or even attempt to trap you in a perpetual cycle ofdaily grinding (learn more about this by searching for “skinner box game design”),often while dangling the option for micro-transactions in front of you.We absolutely do not want any of this in Crater Company.

Endorsing speed- & challengerunning

Pet the pepe

We embrace things like challenge- & speedrunning, glitchhunting, and so on.Personally, I adore communities that build around content creators and the memes that come out of that.We will do everything in our power to support these people.For instance, we are keenly aware of how RNG affects speedruns,and are eager to lay the groundwork for great categories to emerge.

Endorsing modding

Many great game developers started out as modders and it is a brilliant entry into software development in general.So we will not just tolerate game modifications, but also support them to the best of our ability.We are looking into native mod loader support, and if available resources allow it,consider development of a dedicated modding editor.

In it for the long run

After Crater Company released, we will be sure to continue to work on turning it intoits best possible version – together with you if you are in for it.While we cannot make a prediction for the far future, we are certainly in this for the long run.

About us

There are more people helping out on the side, but this is the current team working on Crater Company!

  • Holly's avatar


    With a background in game engine development and game publishing,Holly does the main bulk of development in regards to programming.

  • Motschi's avatar


    Motschi helps in handling the business side of things with his economics educationand creates pixel art assets for the game environment.

  • Shai's avatar


    Shai studies design and creates pixel art assets.She does character design and high res portrait sprites.


We plan to publish a demo of the game as soon as possible.The first version will be available to everyone and may even be playable in the browser, right here or perhaps on you want to be among the first to try it out, scroll to the next section and make sure to join the newsletter.